New Company Setup

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New Company Setup

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New Company Setup


Each company setup is unique depending on the ERPSirius modules that are going to be used and the business type. Below are the basic steps. Please contact us for guidance and advice.


The Steps for setting up a new company is as follows;



1.Use the Demo company ERPSirius to setup company defaults ERP Settings.

a.Setup Company

b.Setup Accounting - You will have to Import your Chart of Accounts first if accounting modules are being used.

c.Setup VAT & Taxes - You will have to Import your Chart of Accounts first if accounting modules are being used.

d.Setup Discounts

e.Setup Sales & Marketing

f.Setup HR and Time & Attendance

g.Setup Communication

h.Setup Sub Data - Loyalty Cards

i.Setup Sub Data - Status Data

j.Setup HR Absence/Time & Attendance details

k.Setup SQL Processes



2.Run SQL processes to clear test/training transactions. SQL Processes



3.Import required data using supplied Excel templates/format

a.The minimum recommended template imports are;


Template Name



Chart of Accounts



Customers Accounts



Suppliers Accounts



Product & Services Types



Products & Services



4.Create a new copy Multi Company


5.Create users for the new company.